How I publish this blog

I'm a fan of simplicity. This blog is simply a static site hosted on GitHub pages and powered by Ghost to make administration easy. To make it look good, I skinned it with a theme from ThemeForest. However, Ghost doesn't generate static content out-of-the-box. So how did I do that? Buster, a static site generator for Ghost. The README isn't too great for Buster, so luckily I found this great tutorial (see the last step below). How to imitate (and flatter) me If you're a developer, then you can get started by following these steps: Download the latest Ghost release and extract it. (Optional) Place your Ghost theme in a new folder in content/themes/. Run npm install to install Ghost's dependencies. Edit the url in the production section of /config.js. Start Ghost: npm start --production. Admin your blog ...

Why am I writing this blog?

I'm starting something new this year. No, it's not just a new blog. I've been working with a small team on some new ideas. Although it's still in the early stages, I think we're going to be building something that is really quite great. In order to build this thing (and hopefully other things, too), we're going to be growing our small team into a not-so-small team. This blog is an attempt to document the decisions that I make and explain the things I've created so that my team understands them well enough to make them better. ...